
Sink unblocking

I would have loved to come up with a different title for this blog, but that’s the most apt. From July 2018 I have been engrossed in ‘The Disappearance of Eliza Grey’, finishing rewrites, applying for funding, casting it, rehearsing it, publicising it, then performing it and recovering. It’s a lot of work, and it […]

Dreams turning to reality

After working on the Disappearance of Eliza Grey, meeting with many people and reading lots of books. The script is finished. It has gone through a few titles and even been performed once. But the most influential experience was meeting a group of people living with Dementia. I walked into the group not knowing who […]

Busy, busy , busy

These last 6 weeks have shown the breadth of what Hazel Twig can get up to. I helped in the Storytelling tent at Cliff College festival, where whilst telling stories we offered a hospitable space for all ages. I also performed ‘Chosen’ as part of the festival, to a very responsive audience. We have been providing […]

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